Shareholder's meeting March 2024

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Edison S.p.A. Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

The shareholders of Edison S.p.A. are called to a meeting, convened in ordinary and extraordinary session, on first calling, in Milan, Foro Buonaparte 31, on

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

As permitted by Article 3, paragraph 12-duodecies, of Legislative Decree no. 215 of December 30, 2023, converted, with amendments, in to Law, which has further extended the term set out in Article 106, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 18 of March 17, 2020, converted, with amendments, in to Law no. 27 of April 24, 2020, those entitled to exercise voting rights shall participate to the Shareholders’ Meeting only through the Representative Appointed by the Company and the participation at the Shareholders’ Meeting of the subjects entitled (Chairman, directors, statutory auditors, secretary of the meeting, the Representative Appointed himself and the common representative of the saving shareholders), may also take place, as well as at the Company’s registered office, by means of telecommunication that guarantee their identification, according to the instructions communicated to them individually by the Company, without it being in any case necessary for the Chairman and the secretary of the meeting to be in the same place.  



Ordinary Session

Financial Report

1. Financial Statements at December 31, 2023.

2. Allocation of the year’s profit.

3. Distribution of reserves.

Report on compensation policy and on compensation paid

4. “Section One” - Compensation policy regarding the period 2023-2024. Approval.

5. “Section Two” - Compensation paid in 2023. Advisory vote.

Extraordinary Session

Amendments to certain articles of the Bylaws

6. Amendments to certain sections of the articles: 9 (Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting), 10 (Attendance and Representation at Shareholders' Meetings), 14 (Board of Directors), 18 (Procedures for Convening and Holding Meetings of the Board of Directors and Approving Resolutions), 22 (Board of Statutory Auditors) and 29 (Domicile of Shareholders) of the Bylaws.