Edison S.p.A. Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
The shareholders of Edison S.p.A. are called to a meeting, convened in ordinary and extraordinary session, on first calling, in Milan, Foro Buonaparte 31, on
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
As permitted by Article 3, paragraph 12-duodecies, of Legislative Decree no. 215 of December 30, 2023, converted, with amendments, in to Law, which has further extended the term set out in Article 106, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 18 of March 17, 2020, converted, with amendments, in to Law no. 27 of April 24, 2020, those entitled to exercise voting rights shall participate to the Shareholders’ Meeting only through the Representative Appointed by the Company and the participation at the Shareholders’ Meeting of the subjects entitled (Chairman, directors, statutory auditors, secretary of the meeting, the Representative Appointed himself and the common representative of the saving shareholders), may also take place, as well as at the Company’s registered office, by means of telecommunication that guarantee their identification, according to the instructions communicated to them individually by the Company, without it being in any case necessary for the Chairman and the secretary of the meeting to be in the same place.
Ordinary Session
Financial Report
1. Financial Statements at December 31, 2023.
2. Allocation of the year’s profit.
3. Distribution of reserves.
Report on compensation policy and on compensation paid
4. “Section One” - Compensation policy regarding the period 2023-2024. Approval.
5. “Section Two” - Compensation paid in 2023. Advisory vote.
Extraordinary Session
Amendments to certain articles of the Bylaws
6. Amendments to certain sections of the articles: 9 (Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting), 10 (Attendance and Representation at Shareholders' Meetings), 14 (Board of Directors), 18 (Procedures for Convening and Holding Meetings of the Board of Directors and Approving Resolutions), 22 (Board of Statutory Auditors) and 29 (Domicile of Shareholders) of the Bylaws.
- Resolutions and MinutesMinutes of the Ordinary Shareholder's meeting of March 27, 2024 (Italian version only, published on April 17, 2024) downloadMinutes of the Extraordinary Shareholder's meeting of March 27, 2024 (Italian version only, published on April 17, 2024) downloadSummary report of the votes on the items on the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of March 27, 2024 (published on March 27, 2024) download
- Notices to shareholdersCall notice of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 03/27/2024 (published on February 25, 2024) downloadExtract from the call notice of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 03/27/2024 (published on February 25, 2024, in Italian in “Il Sole 24 Ore”) downloadNotice of publication of the Financial Report, of the Corporate Governance Report with the Report on the compensation policy and compensation paid and the Consolidated Non-Financial Disclosure 2023 (published on February 23, 2024, in Italian in “Il Sole 24 Ore”) downloadEDISON SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING ON MARCH 27, 2024 - Call notice to Shareholders (published on 02/29/2024 on the Company's website and on 03/01/2024 in the daily newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore") downloadEdison: publication of the 2023 Report of the Board Statutory Auditors download
- Shareholders’ rights
- Q&A
- Documentation: 2023 Financial Report in ESEF format (XHTML and ZIP version)
Notes to consult the documentation:
- Use the compatible browser Google Chrome to visualize accurately the following XHTML documents: "Report on Operations 2023", "Draft Separate Financial Statements at 12.31.2023" and "Consolidated Financial Statements at 12.31.2023"
- The first upload may take a few minutes before being fully available.
- The zip file "529900WS2E20BA5J4L49-2023-12-31-it" in iXBRL format contains the information referring to the XBRL Tagging of the tables and the notes of the 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements; inside, the "reports" folder contains the file 529900WS2E20BA5J4L49-2023-12-31-it.xhtml referring to the "Bilancio consolidato" document included in the 2023 Financial Report (for a correct view of the document it is recommended to use the following compatible browser: Google Chrome).
2023 Financial Report – Report on Operations without Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors (published on February 23, 2024) (Italian XHTML version) download2023 Financial Report – Consolidated Financial Statements (published on February 27, 2024) (Italian ZIP version) download2023 Financial Report – Consolidated Financial Statements (published on February 23, 2024) (Italian INLINE VIEWER version) download2023 Financial Report – Independent auditors Report on Consolidated Financial Statements (published on February 2, 2024) (Italian PDF version) download2023 Financial Report – Separate Financial Statements (published on February 23, 2024) (Italian XHTML version) download2023 Financial Report – Independent auditors Report on Separate Financial Statement (published on February 23, 2024) (Italian PDF version) download2023 Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors (published on March 4, 2024) (PDF version – Italian version) download - Documentation: 2023 Financial Report (PDF version)Volume 1 Report on Operations (esclude la relazione del collegio sindacale) downloadVolume 2 Consolidated Financial Statements (con opinion KPMG) downloadVolume 3 Separate Financial Statements (con opinion KPMG) download2023 Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors (published on March 4, 2024) (PDF version – Italian version) download
- Documentation: other documents (PDF version)Reports of the Board of Directors and motions for resolutions to the Shareholders’ Meeting of 03/27/2024 (published on February 26, 2024) download2023 Corporate Governance and Report on compensation policy and on compensation paid (published on February 23, 2024) (PDF version) download2023 Consolidated Non-Financial Disclosure (published on February 23, 2024) download
- Order of voting proposals
In the event of proposals for resolutions on the items on the agenda, submitted by Shareholders as alternatives to those submitted by the Board, the Board proposal will be first put to a vote and, only if this proposal is rejected or even without a proposal from the Board, will the Shareholders' proposals be put to a vote. These proposals will be submitted to the Shareholders' Meeting starting from the proposal submitted by the Shareholder who owns the largest percentage of share capital. Only if the proposal put to a vote is rejected, the additional proposals will be put to the vote following the descending order of the capital held.
- Press Releases
- Information on share capital
The subscribed and paid-in share capital amounts to 4,736,117,250.00 euros, divided into 4,626,557,357 ordinary shares and 109,559,893 savings shares, all with a par value of 1 euro.