The task of statutory auditing is assigned to a company listed in the register of statutory auditors kept by the Ministry of Economy and Finance by resolution passed by the Shareholders' Meeting which also determines the remuneration, upon reasoned proposal of the Board of Statutory Auditors.
Edison's current auditor is KMPG S.p.A., appointed by the Company's Shareholders' Meeting on 28 April 2020 for a term of nine financial years, and therefore until the Shareholders' Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the year 2028.
Almost all of Edison's Italian and foreign subsidiaries are subject to statutory audits. As a rule, the auditing of subsidiaries is entrusted to Edison's audit company, so that the parent company's auditor can assume direct responsibility for auditing the subsidiaries' financial statements.
Since 2011, the Company has introduced guidelines for the appointment and management of audit assignments, most recently amended in 2017.