Related Party Transactions Committee

Related Party Transactions Committee

Related Party Transactions Committee

The Related Party Transactions Committee performs the tasks reserved to it by the Consob Related Party Regulation and set forth in the Related Party Procedure adopted by Edison. In particular, the Committee is called upon to oversee the preliminary phase in Major Transactions, issue opinions on transactions with related parties qualifying as Major and Minor Transactions, examine Ordinary transactions that exceed the size threshold of Major Transactions, and verify cases of total or partial exemption from the application of the Procedure, with particular reference to Ordinary and Intragroup Transactions of Particular Significance. 
The composition, operation and powers of the Committee are governed by the Rules of Operation of the Related Party Transactions Committee (italian only)
The current Related Party Transactions Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors on 31 March 2022, consists of three members, all of whom are independent: Paolo Di Benedetto (as President), Angela Gamba and Andrea Munari succeeded Fabio Gallia on October 15th 2024, whose terms of office will expire upon the natural expiry of the term of office of the directors serving on the Committee, and thus with the shareholders’ meeting called to approve the 2024 financial statements.

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The information below refers to the Related Party Transactions Committee in its current composition.

Paolo Di Benedetto

Chairman and Independent Director

Angela Gamba

Independent Director

Andrea Munari

Independent Director

Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee

Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee

Remuneration Committee

Remuneration Committee