This web page reports the Regulated Information relating to the Merger by Incorporation into Edison S.p.A. of Jesi Energia S.p.A. and Edison Reggane S.p.A.
- Notices and press releasesNotice pursuant to art. 84 of CONSOB Issuers Regulation on IlSole24Ore (Published on 02/23/2024) (Only Italian version) download
- DocumentsMerger Project pursuant to art. 2501-ter Cod.Civ. (Published on 02/23/2024) (Only Italian version) downloadEdison Spa Financial Statement as of 31 December 2023 pursuant to art. 2501-quater Cod.Civ. (Published on 02/23/2024) (Only Italian version) downloadJesi Energia Spa Financial Statement as of 31 December 2023 pursuant to art. 2501-quater Cod.Civ. (Published on 02/23/2024) (Only Italian version) downloadEdison Reggane Spa Financial Statement as of 31 December 2023 pursuant to art. 2501-quater Cod.Civ. (Published on 02/23/2024) (Only Italian version) downloadNotarial Minutes of the Board of Directors of March 28, 2024: Decision concerning the Merger by Incorporation into Edison S.p.A. of Jesi Energia S.p.A. and Edison Reggane S.p.A., pursuant to articles 2502 and 2505 of the Civil Code (Italian version published on 04/03/2024) download