Security and flexibility
We have a primary role in the country's energy transition and for this reason we invest in gas as a resource capable of ferrying us towards a low-carbon future.
To ensure the security and competitiveness of the national energy system, we are committed to diversifying sources and procurement routes.
A diversified portfolio
Over the last few years we have imported into Italy up to about 15 billion cubic meters of gas per year, guaranteeing 20% of total imports useful for ensuring energy stability for the country system.
Our diversified portfolio includes long-term supply contracts with Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Azerbaijan and the United States.
By virtue of our know-how and consolidated experience, we are the center of expertise in the gas sector for the entire Edf Group, of which we are part.

An articulated infrastructural system
Coherently with the Piano Nazionale Integrato Energia e Clima / National Integrated Plan Energy and Climate, we are committed to improve the supplyings safety, sustaining the development of an articulated infrastructural system, based on a multi-source and multi-destination approach. Our gas pipeline projects are supported and co-funded by the European Union and their high strategic value in respect of Europe's energy safety and the markets’ competitiveness.

Eastmed - Poseidon
Edison promotes, through the IGI Poseidon SA society (50% Edison, 50% Depa) the development of the EastMed-Poseidon gas pipeline.
The infrastructure will connect the gas resources located in the Eastern Mediterranean with the Italian and European final markets, in accordance with community (of) diversification energy policies of supply routes and sources.
The EastMed-Poseidon strategic value, developed in full syntony with the addresses and energetic plants of the various Countries involved, lies in the ensuring of the energy safety and satisfaction of the growing/increasing demand for gas imports.
The EastMed-Poseidon project represents for Italy a strategic asset since it constitutes a brand new supply route, able to grant the gas supply safety of companies and households.
The infrastructure, designed to yearly transport/carry 10-12 billion of cubic metres during a primary phase, consists of the Poseidon project - an offshore section of about 210 km, completely developed and ready for its realisation/creation - and of the EastMed project constituted by an offshore section of 1,350 km and an oneshore one of 550 km, which has accessed the detailed engineering phase.
By virtue of their energy safeness/energetic safety strategic importance, the EastMed and Poseidon projects are acknowledged by many/various years as Projects of Common Interest (PCI), the highest priority level at European level.
Over the years, this recognition enabled/made possible to benefit from different european funding, among which the latest CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) program.
The Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnector, first international pipeline created by Edison, is a fundamental infrastructure to connect/link the greek and bulgarian gas networks, improving the supply safety and integration of Southeast Europe markets, enabling the imports of the various sources. The IGB will have an initial transport/transportation capacity of 3 billion cubic metres per year which could be yearly upgraded up to 5 billion cubic metres in a following phase, in response to the market demand. Furthermore, the IGB pipeline will be equipped to offers a physical and/or commercial-reverse flow.
The new gas pipeline will connect/link Algeria to Italy and will have a 8 billion cubic metres capacity per year. It will be destined/intended for natural gas importation, representing a precious/valuable resource for the Italian market particularly for Sardinia, which is actually still not reached by methane.