Debt structure and maturities



Grafico 1 ENG

The composition of gross financial indebtedness compared to December 31, 2022 reflects, inter
alia, the recognition of new debt for leasing described above and the temporary overdrafts on
current accounts due to normal operations management.


Data in million euros

Grafico 2 ENG

The ability of Edison Group to meet its expected and unexpected monetary obligations is based, in addition to its liquidity, on the large availability of unused credit lines. At December 31, 2023, Edison Group has unused committed lines of credit totalling 1,162 million euros, represented:

  • by the revolving credit line (1 billion euros), described above in paragraph 6.2, dedicated to covering working capital needs in a still uncertain and volatile market scenario. The credit line will expire in May 2025 and is backed by a guarantee from the national export credit agency SACE Spa for 70% of the amount;
  • by the Green Framework Loan (162 million euros) granted by the EIB at the end of June 2020 to finance the creation of a portfolio of projects throughout Italy for energy efficiency and for the construction of renewable energy plants. The credit line has a duration of 15 years.
Total financial indebtedness
(in millions of euros)
12.31.2023 12.31.2022 Change
Non-current financial debt 696 709 (13)
- Due to banks 416 462 (46)
- Due to EDF Group companies - - -
- Debt for leasing 279 234 45
- Due to other lenders 1 13 (12)
Other non-current liabilities 39 27 12
Non-current financial indebtedness 735 736 (1)
Current financial debt (excluding current portion of non-current financial debt) 219 126 93
- Due to banks 117 15 102
- Due to EDF Group companies 11 7 4
- Debt for valuation of Cash Flow Hedge derivatives - - -
- Due to other lenders 91 104 (13)
Current portion of non-current financial debt 126 74 52
- Due to banks 75 35 40
- Debt for leasing 51 39 12
Current financial assets (132) (3) (129)
- Current financial assets from EDF Group companies (4) - (4)
- Credit for valuation of Cash Flow Hedge derivatives - (1) 1
- Other current financial assets (°) (128) (2) (126)
Cash and cash equivalents (1.234) (456) (778)
Net current financial indebtedness (1.021) (259) (762)
Net financial debt Assets held for sale 126 - 126
Total financial indebtedness (160) 477 (637)
Gross financial indebtedness 1.080 936 144
of which Other non-current liabiliites 39 27 12
Liquidity (1.240) (459) (781)

(°) At December 31, 2023, they include financial receivables from Assets held for sale in the amount of 126 million euros.