Edison: shareholders’ meeting approves the financial statements 2023 (published on march 27th 2024)

Unit dividend of 0.105 euros per each savings share and of 0.075 euros per each ordinary share. 

Approved the report on the compensation policy and on compensation paid.

Approved the Bylaws amendments to incorporate the provisions contained in the Law "Legge Capitali".

Milan, March 27, 2024 – The Edison Shareholders' Meeting approved, in the ordinary session, the 2023 financial statements of the parent company Edison S.p.A, which closed with revenues of 16,402 million euros compared to 28,917 million euros in 2022, and a profit of 329 million euros (263 million euros in 2022), and resolved, together with the full distribution of the profit, also the allocation of a portion of the distributable "retained earnings" reserve.

The distribution amounts to 0.105 euros (of which 0.095 euros as dividends and 0.010 euros as reserves) per savings share and 0.075 euros (of which 0.065 euros as dividends and 0.010 euros as reserves) per ordinary share. These amounts are gross of legal withholdings. The amount for each of the savings shares takes into account the 3% increase over the nominal value compared to ordinary shares, solely on the distribution of profits and not on the distribution of reserves, as provided for by the Bylaws.

The dividend and the indicated reserves will be paid on Wednesday April 24, 2024, with coupon detachment date on Monday April 22, 2024 and record date on Tuesday April 23, 2024 for both share classes

The Edison Shareholders' Meeting approved the First Section and voted in favor of the Second Section of the 2023 Compensation Report.

The Shareholders' Meeting, in the extraordinary session, also approved certain amendments of the Bylaws, mainly concerning the procedures for intervention and representation in the Meeting, as well as the procedures for calling and operating Board and Board of Statutory Auditors' meetings, also in order to reflect in the Bylaws some provisions contained in the so-called Law "Legge Capitali", which came into effect today.

The minutes of the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting and the amended Bylaws will be available to the public with the methods and timing set forth in current legislation.

The results of the votes are listed below:


Item 1. on the Agenda  
(Financial Statements at December 31, 2023)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180


Item 2. on the Agenda 
(Allocation of the year’s profit)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180


Item 3. on the Agenda 
(Distribution of reserves)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180


Item 4. on the Agenda 
(Report on compensation policy and on compensation paid “Section One” - Compensation policy regarding the period 2023-2024. Approval)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180


Item 5. on the Agenda 
(Report on compensation policy and on compensation paid “Section Two” - Compensation paid in 2023. Advisory vote) Number of shares % of sh

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180


Item 6. on the Agenda 
(Amendments to certain sections of the articles: 9 (Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting), 10 (Attendance and Representation at Shareholders' Meetings), 14 (Board of Directors), 18 (Procedures for Convening and Holding Meetings of the Board of Directors and Approving Resolutions), 22 (Board of Statutory Auditors) and 29 (Domicile of Shareholders) of the Bylaws)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor4.602.160.78599,99548199,472684
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting4.602.368.769100,00000099,477180
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Press Office

Elena Distaso

Telephone: +39 02 62228522
Mobile: +39 338 2500609

Email: elena.distaso@edison.it

Lorenzo Matucci

Telephone: +39 02 62227806
Mobile: +39 337 1500332

Email: lorenzo.matucci@edison.it

Davide Calvi

Telephone: +39 02 62227834
Mobile: +39 337 1108265

Email: davide.calvi@edison.it


Marta Mazzacano  

Telephone: +39 02 62227049  
Mobile: +39 335 7749819

Email: marta.mazzacano1@edison.it


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