Transparency, sharing and involvement: we design a sustainable future together
with our host communities
Continuous dialogue with all our stakeholders at the international, national, and local levels is a fundamental aspect for a responsible energy operator. Creating value for the area in which we operate means adopting an approach geared toward stimulating shared solutions with relevant stakeholders, as well as fostering direct as well as indirect local employment by engaging local suppliers.
Analysis of the local area
Throughout 2021, we continued the activity of measuring the socio-economic-environmental impact on the areas that host our hydroelectric plants: the analysis has so far covered the areas of Valtellina, Valchiavenna, Val Camonica, Val Caffaro, Val d'Ossola, and the Adda River shaft. The objective of these reports is to convey Edison’s presence through macro-indicators on the environment, economic downstream activities, and on projects shared or requested by local stakeholders.

Relations with the institutions and local associations
An important local stakeholder of ours is represented by the Confindustria association network; in fact, we are a member of 23 local Confindustria associations. After the 2020 experience organized in Apulia, in July 2021 through the involvement of Confindustria Venezia and Assindustria Veneto Centro and the participation of the University of Padua and the Veneto Region, we dialogued with local companies by presenting a study developed in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano entitled "Energy and Competitiveness in Veneto", aimed at demonstrating how it is possible to reduce the overall energy expenditure of companies in the Veneto region and simultaneously reduce CO2 emissions in 15 years through self-production and energy efficiency measures.
Our support for energy communities
Energy communities will be increasingly central because they are a key tool to support citizens and local administrations in investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency of buildings. Local energy production and self-consumption will be a critical success factor in ensuring the decarbonisation of the European energy system envisioned for 2050.
In this regard, in September 2021, we launched a partnership with Gabetti Lab to develop 1,000 condominium energy communities by 2024 involving the installation of photovoltaic systems on roofs for collective self-consumption.

Sustainability: creating culture, through culture
Always committed to supporting culture and excellence, we have rolled out initiatives in recent years to promote sustainability in theatre, film and music. We share our skills supporting cultural entities for the more efficient management of energy and processes, with a view to generating a positive environmental and social impact on the reference communities.

Value for customers, local areas and sustainable economic development
We listen to the needs of local areas, partner companies and citizens to cultivate fair and lasting relationships.