Edison: Luciano Duccio Castelli is confirmed common representative of the savings shareholders

Milan, April 9, 2024 – The Meeting1 of the holders of Edison’s savings shares confirmed Luciano Duccio Castelli as common representative of the savings shareholders. The Shareholders’ Meeting set the term of his office for three years (until the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements at December 31, 2026) and confirmed an annual compensation of 25,000 euros.

In addition, the Meeting resolved to approve the report of the use of the fund, established for the expenses necessary to protect the common interests, and the integration of the same fund up to the amount of 150,000 euros.

The minutes of the Special Shareholders’ Meeting will be available to the public with the methods and timing set forth in current legislation.

The results of the votes are listed below:


Item 1. on the agenda 
(Election of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor39.001.984100,00000035,598779
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting39.001.984100,00000035,598779


Item 2. on the agenda   
(Determination of the length of the term of office of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor39.001.984100,00000035,598779
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting39.001.984100,00000035,598779


Item 3. on the agenda   
(Determination of the compensation of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor38.981.98499,94872135,580524
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting39.001.984100,00000035,598779


Item 4. on the agenda   
(Report on the use of the fund established for the expenses needed to protect the common interest)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor38.981.98499,94872135,580524
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting39.001.984100,00000035,598779


Item 5. on the agenda 
(Integration, up to the amount of 150,000 euros, of the fund established for the expenses needed to protect the common interest)

 Number of shares% of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting% of category’s capital
In favor38.981.98499,94872135,580524
Not Voters00,0000000,000000
Number of shares represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting39.001.984100,00000035,598779
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Press Office

Elena Distaso

Telephone: +39 02 62228522
Mobile: +39 338 2500609

Email: elena.distaso@edison.it

Lorenzo Matucci

Telephone: +39 02 62227806
Mobile: +39 337 1500332

Email: lorenzo.matucci@edison.it

Davide Calvi

Telephone: +39 02 62227834
Mobile: +39 337 1108265

Email: davide.calvi@edison.it


Marta Mazzacano  

Telephone: +39 02 62227049  
Mobile: +39 335 7749819

Email: marta.mazzacano1@edison.it


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