Edison: the shareholders' meeting approves the 2009 annual report

Dividend of 0.025 euros per common share and 0.00725 euros per savings share. Confirmed the appointment of Henri Proglio and Didier Calvez to the Board of Directors. Approved a motion reducing the compensation of Directors

Milan, March 23, 2010 – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Edison SpA, convened today at the Company’s Foro Buonaparte headquarters, approved the financial statements at December 31, 2009, which show a net profit of 423.2 million euros. The Shareholders’ Meeting, having set aside for the statutory reserve 5% of the net profit (21 million euros), approved a resolution to distribute a dividend of 0.0425 euros per common share (0.05 euros in 2008) and 0.0725 euros per savings share (0.08 euros in 2008).

The resulting total dividend payout amounts to 228 million euros (268 million euros in 2008). The dividend will be payable on April 15, 2010, with coupon record date of April 12. The balance of the net profit, amounting to 174 million euros, was brought forward as retained earnings. The Shareholders’ Meeting further resolved to make available the capital contribution reserve of 15.055 million euros, established in connection with a grant received pursuant to Law No. 488/92, the restrictions on its availability no longer being applicable. The Shareholders’ Meeting then approved a reduction of 10% on the annual compensations and attendance fee of all members of the Board of Directors.

Punti all'ordine del giorno Az. rappr. in ass. e per le quali è stato espresso il voto % sul cap. soc. con diritto di voto Num. di az. favorevoli Num. di az. contrarie Nu. di az. astenute
Punto 1. (Rideterminazione del compenso degli amministratori) 4.233.313.130 8,707 4.233.313.130 0 0
Punto 2. (Nomina di amministratori) 4.233.313.130 81,707 4.223.561.352 8.623.416 1.128.362
Punto 3. (Bilancio chiuso al 31 dicembre 2009, destinazione dell'utile d'esercizio 2009 e riclassificazione di riserve) 4.233.311.385 81,707 4.233.308.455 2.930 0


Si presume che l’Assemblea degli azionisti di risparmio si terrà il 25 marzo in seconda convocazione.

Lastly, upon a motion by the shareholder Transalpina di Energia Srl, the Shareholders’ Meeting confirmed the appointment to the Board of Directors of Henri Proglio and Didier Calvez, who had been coopted by the Board of Directors on February 8, 2010 and April 30, 2009, respectively. The curricula vitae of the new Directors are available online at www.edison.it

Stefano Amoroso
Media Relations Manager
T +39 02 6222 7276
M +39 340 2838136
Lucia Caltagirone
T +39 02 6222 8283
M +39 331 6283718
Florian Ciornei
T +39 02 6222 8124
M +39 335 1879394

Edison’s Investor Relations: Tel. +39 02 62228415; investor.relations@edison.it www.edison.it

Punto all'ordine del giorno

Az. rappr. in ass. e per le quali è stato espresso il voto

% sul cap. soc. con diritto di voto

Num. di az. favorevoli

Num. di az. contrarie

Num. di az. astenute

Punto 1. (Rideterminazione del compenso degli amministratori)






Punto 2. (Nomina di amministratori)






Punto 3. (Bilancio chiuso al 31 dicembre 2009, destinazione dell'utile d'esercizio 2009 e riclassificazione di riserve)






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