Special Shareholder's Meeting April 2024

Edison S.p.A. Special Shareholders’ Meeting of the holders of savings shares

The holders of Edison savings shares are called to a meeting, convened in special session, at the Company’s registered office in Milan, Foro Buonaparte 31, on

- Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. on the first calling and, if necessary

- Wednesday April 10, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. on the second calling, or

- Thursday April 11, 2024 at 11.00 a.m. on the third calling 

Following the entry into force on February 29, 2024 of Law no. 18 of February 23, 2024 converting, with amendments, Legislative Decree no. 215 of December 30, 2023 (Milleproroghe Decree), as permitted by Article 3, paragraph 12-duodecies of the aforementioned Legislative Decree, added to the Law of conversion, holders of Edison savings shares shall participate to the Shareholders’ Meeting exclusively through the Appointed Representative as indicated in the following paragraph 3 and the participation at the Shareholders’ Meeting of the subjects entitled (Appointed Representative himself, the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders, directors, statutory auditors, secretary of the meeting), may also take place, as well as at the Company’s registered office, by means of telecommunication that guarantee their identification, according to the instructions communicated to them individually by the Company, without it being in any case necessary for the chairman of the meeting and the secretary of the meeting to be in the same place.


1. Election of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders.  
2. Determination of the length of the term of office of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders.  
3. Determination of the compensation of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders.  
4. Report on the use of the fund established for the expenses needed to protect the common interest.  
5. Integration, up to the amount of 150,000 euros, of the fund established for the expenses needed to protect the common interest