Edison: executed two intercompany loans to refinance the maturing 1,5 billion euros credit line

Milan, April 12, 2013 – Edison Spa executed on 9th April 2013 and drew on the following 11th April, two intercompany loans to refinance the maturing 1,500 million euros syndicated stand-by credit line.

The first loan, granted by EDF IG SA, amounts to 800 million euros and has a 7 years maturity, the second one, granted by EDF SA, amounts to 600 million euros and has a 2 years maturity. Both loans were subscribed under competitive terms, in line with those granted in the financial market to companies with Edison rating.

These credit lines represent the most important part of a broad-based refinancing plan that will ensure an efficient coverage of both long term operating needs and short term cash shortfalls, with an adequate degree of flexibility.

Public disclosure required by Consob Resolution No. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as amended.

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